Single player is too short but well done, but the Multi-player is the main attraction.
But now on to the meat of this latest installment. The Multi-Player. Un-flippen-beleavable. Rarly have I seen any lag during online play. The graphics hold up insanly good. The sound is still as intence and sharp, as the single player. and of course the really is nothing like fireing a RPG into a snipers camping site, and seeing the little yellow "+5" show up on your screen.
Speaking of the "+5" as you make kills, assists, caputer and return flags...ect and so forth. You gain experiance points, theis are accumilated to unlocking other Multi-player features. things such as Perks wich upgrade certon aspects of your characters, and also unlocks new weapons and attachments for those weapons. While you can't us every perk or attachment for each gun at the same time, this does help to balance out one perk form another. but on the other hand helps to agment your own abilitys or give you a little pick up in areas that your skills might be lacking.
So inconclution, COD4 is a great game and is a definant must have for anyone you like shooting games.