like all the call of duty games call of duty 4 is a game that makes u wonder how did they make such a game
I knew call of duty 4 had to be amazing when i heard of it, at first i was dissapointed at the fact that it was a modern warfare game but i'm an optimist so i said that this may be the game that will introduce me and force me to like modern warfare fps, and so it did
Call of duty 4 has the best fps campaign i ever saw it's just breathtaking it makes u understand what it means to be a soldier, how it would be like to loose ur life and not know who took it, in the game u have 2 main characters one as a marine and one as a SAS special ops, i wont spoil the plot here but i'll tell u that this game will show u how it would be to actualy be caught in a nuclear explosion there are different types of missions in cod4 such as being a soldier where u have to kill a lot or being a sniper when u have to watch out not to get killed or the most orriginal being an aircraft gunner but not just any aircraft and not just any gunner.
The graphics are amazing u can realy see the detail of the game like u can see the bullets of certain weapons or the crater made by a grenade or the blood shooting out of a body when its hit. The sound effects are very amazing as well the weapons sound realistic and they make u feel like u can realy penetrate flesh and armour when fireing
Multiplayer in cod4 is very awesome but sometimes very frustrating cause the best players wind up in the same teams sometimes and it makes getting kills difficult when ur a novice but that comes to pass when u get better also the perks they put in are fun to play with as well as new weapons, weapon customizations that all come with u when u are promoted, the ranks are very well organized u get thru them very fast at the begining and slower as u move up the board
So there are two bad things in cod4 one is that the campaign is very short and two that the multiplayer may seem to be unfair sometimes but still this is the game that i think will give upcoming games as far as 2011 a run for their money