Fun as heck, visually stunning, exciting online.

User Rating: 9.5 | Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare PS3
This is the best of the COD series for the console. Adding modern weapons freshened up the game and the array of missions that you will encounter are far more creative than before.

Since this is close quarter combat, there are no vehicles that you will drive and the majority of the fighting is on foot. The story elements are terrific and the action plays out right in your face. The addition of excellent visuals and sound effects adds realism to the surroundings and immerses you in every mission. The weapons and the realistic recoil are also as awesome as ever.

On the multi-player side you are given a few basic weapons to start, with no special attachments, but you will unlock these as well as new weapons by playing and acquiring experience points. The fact that you can try to accomplish the numerous goals within each weapon and by doing certain things during gameplay was a nice addition.

There are 16 maps to play in and hopefully more can be available through download.

The only negative things that really stand out, and this is a little nit picky, is that a few of the single player missions are very hard on the hardest mode. You will restart them over and over and the men on your team will hide or won't fire their weapon while you take a barrage of fire and the enemy is literally 5 feet from you.

On the multiplayer side the majority of the maps are good size but some could be a little bigger. When you get good at certain weapons you can actually take out someone effectively with an assault rifle as opposed to a sniper rifle. Their is an issue with parties getting disjointed from the players, games lagging and weird handshake issues that results in a game getting dumped. Hopefully the new IW patch that has just been released will fix this.

All in all the game is superb, the online is fun and keeps you wanting to play over and over. Get a party of people together and join a game!