Call of Duty 4 is the one of the best shooters to date.

User Rating: 9.5 | Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare PS3
Call of Duty 4 has stunning visual and sound effects accompanied by the perfect story. You play both the British S.A.S and the U.S. Marines. What I have noticed is that the S.A.S. missions are more fun because you only have 3 other guys helping you against like 300 enemies. The Marines, on the other hand have the missions where your combat skills are tested, but still fun.

The major downfall of the game is that the single player is EXTREMELY short. I just bought my PS3 and a copy of C.O.D.4 on Dec. 26 and beat it the next day. It only took me about 7 hours to complete.

Although the game is short, the multiplayer makes up for it because of its many features. I don't have online yet but I've played it at a friends, just to check it out. The game doesn't end bad either, you get a fun bonus mission and the most important thing, there are collectibles in each level, the enemies Intel which are laptops, that open up cheats like infinite ammo.

Call of Duty 4 is one of 2007s best games.