Call Of Duty 4 Modern Warfare is the standard set for the FPS genre this generation.
Call Of Duty 4's visual presentation matches the campaign's quality ten fold.For 2007,Call of Duty 4 has great graphics.Many of the character models are slick,very detailed,and awesome to look at.A lot of the level environments are varied,vivid with colors,and have great design.The game's frame rate is very steady as well.The visual presentation is great.
Call Of Duty 4 has a phenomenal soundtrack that coincides with it's epic campaign.The main theme is done by Harry Gregson Williams,who did a very good job.Other sound effects were well done.Things like the gun sound effects are very good.The overall sound portion is excellent.
Call Of Duty 4: Modern Warfare is a first person shooter,and probably one of the best of the genre.For the PS3,the controls are brilliant.You use the analog sticks for movement,the D-Pad for equipment,and the face buttons for switching weapons,duck and prone,jump,and reload.The R1 is used for firing,and the L1 is used for aim,R2 for grenades,and L2 for tactical grenades.This control set up makes it very easy to play.Now to the actual game,they're is a variety of guns,including the infamous AK47,and M16.The enemy A.I is very good,and even on the normal difficulty will flank,throw grenades often,give suppressing fire,and beat you with their weapons at close range.Their are 3 levels of difficulty,recruit,normal,and veteran.Veteran Difficulty is a great challenge,and recruit is very easy and enjoyable to play.The level design for many of the campaign missions is a bit linear,but the way you want to face your enemy isn't.In all,Call of Duty 4 is a very fun game.
Call Of Duty 4: Modern Warfare's main appeal,besides the awesome campaign,was the amazing multiplayer.Call Of Duty 4's multiplayer is phenomenal,even today.What makes it great is the ability to customize your own 5 different load outs,with different perks & guns.Perks in call of duty 4 are like special boosters for your load out,there are three types of perks,the first tier perks involve equipment like RPG's,C4,and claymores.The second tier perks involve advantages like more health,more stopping power,or a quicker reload.The third tier perks really just involve extra perks,like being able to sprint for a longer period of time,having quieter foot steps,or being able to have better hip fire accuracy.You can have 3 perks at a time,one for each individual perk tier.Besides the perks,you can also customize different attachments for your weapon,and give it a camo/color.Call Of Duty 4's multiplayer also involves kill streak rewards.So for 3 kills in a row,you'll receive a UAV(Radar sweep that shows enemy positions),for 5 kills you receive an Air strike,and for 7 kills you receive an Attack Helicopter.Another big part of the multiplayer is the level up system.For every kill you get,UAV you call in,Air strike,Helicopter,and Challenge you complete,you get EXP.This EXP counts toward leveling up until level 55.After leveling up to max level,you can prestige,or level up from level 1 to level 55 all over again.You can do this a total of 10 times.In all,the multiplayer is extremely addicting fun,and will most likely be the sole reason you keep playing Call Of Duty 4: Modern Warfare.
Final Verdict: Call Of Duty 4: Modern Warfare is still a very excellent game,even for today.There is still a strong multiplayer audience,and the campaign is very good.If you've ever wanted to have an awesome multiplayer experience Call Of Duty 4: Modern Warfare is for you.