Call Of Duty 4 - Breathtaking

User Rating: 10 | Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare X360
This new verision of call of duty is with out a doubt the best first person shooter i have ever played.To start off with the graphics are amazing the guns look so realistic and the soliders look so life like.

One off the best things about this game is just the overall gameplay when you fire the gun you can atcually see the bullets falling out which is exactly what happens in real life.One of the best missions in the game is where you play a sniper and you have to go to this abonded city and snipe one of the leaders .

All and all this game is simply breathtaking everything about it the graphics the missions the locations everything about this game is top class. At first i was a bit unsure on how good this new call of duty would be but this game is the best fps ever if you have any Xbox 360 you must get this game It is the best game on the xbox 360 for now until GTA comes out.