An awsome sequal to a reputable company.

User Rating: 10 | Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare X360
Call of Duty four blew me away. I admitt I wasn't in shock the day I got it more like "OOOH COOL... It's rated M!" But 10/10 easy. The graphics are nice'n shiny with, oh say... a 42" LCD HD Samsung 1080 P. With Hd switched on you actually start to do a little roleplaying.

The diffuculty levels of COD4 are just perfect for someone who just got this game. I also fell in love with the great control setup. On the down-side it's not the same set up as Halo. There also is another tiny mishap. NO CO-OP MULTIPLAYER. I was devestated to find that just the four player settings were there. It breaks my heart to find a game so well polished that it doesn't include 2-4 player co-op. Major downfall.

On the bright side, the multiplayer will give you somthing to shoot for. Reaching level 55. Then doing it again in prestige mode. Overall, solid 10 for it's genius graphics, killer story, and amazing addictive multiplayer, 10/10.