Call Of Duty 4 is easily the best first person shooter ever made.

User Rating: 10 | Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare PS3
Call of Duty 4 is a huge bound for Infinity Ward, and for all first person shooters. Call of Duty 4 has a great single player campagin, were you play as a S.A.S. soldier, and U.S. Marine. It is a pretty short campagin but makes you feel much more satisfied than any other first person shooter that I have ever player. Both the characters you control are on one main mission, to stop a huge terrorism threat. And as the story unfolds at a pretty fast rate you get more into the game and don't want to put down your controller. But Call of Duty 4 isn't a 10 just because of the story, the main thing that sets Call of Duty 4 apart from any other first person shooter is the gameplay. Its simply amazing, the grahpics look like you are really there, and the A.I. are smart as heck, but besides having amazing grahpics the game has really great sound effects. You get to try out several diffrent weapons through the story mode, and they all feel like they are actually capable of killing your enemys, even your normally weak secondary weapons feel like they could wipe out all of the terrorist in each mission.
But besides having a thrilling single player campagin Call of Duty 4 unleashes probably the most addictive multiplayer system to date. Utilizing a highly appreciated ranking system you get experience for almost everything you do, and it really feels like you are making proggress unlike games like World Of Warcraft where it could take a good 3-4 days of playing for a few hours to level up just to find that you weren't reward with anything that great at all. And the perks and weapons you unlock really just set you up to unlock the next set of weapons and perks. So overall Call of Duty 4 is easily a 10, and hopefully other companys will use it as an example to build their games from.