call of duty 4 is better than other games in serie but still multiplayer isnt for newbies.
theres lot of great moments in it.But one thing that i personaly hated is that in online play newbie like i cant survivor 5seconds.
call of duty 4 multiplayer could be way better if newbies could get to servers that is full of players in same rank.So if u what to buy this game becaus of its online play u have to be hardcore player.
There was one problem is singleplayer game too.but this problem is allmost in every game.singleplayer campaign was too short.
in a way there was something good in multiplayer.what i liked was class making.
so call of duty 4 good singleplayer and bad multiplayer.i hope next game has multiplayer too....
one thing call of duty 4 has done way better than other games in serie.its first of the games that is not from 2nd world war.
So buy if u what one of the gratest singleplayer experience
if u whant greatest multiplayer experience buy resistance2 or rfom.