I usually hate FPS and Call Of Duty games, but this is just ridiculous. One of the view games i can safely give a 10 on.

User Rating: 10 | Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare X360
Wow....where to begin....

Again, like all of my reviews, it will be short and sweet and full of honesty.

Unlike any 360 game i have seen so far, all the achievement points can be obtained in the one-player campaign mode, for all of the achievement lovers, which is cool because you earn an over-load of other stuff on Muiltiplayer.

I also want to admit that the single player campaign was a blast the whole way through....which is a huge thing for me to say...since i normally refuse to play FPS's.

I personally dislike halo, not because it isnt awesome, just that im more a gears of war player. But damn, i have to say COD 4 beats them both into the ground from all angles.

Pls pls pls, try and play this game, if your one of the few that havent. You owe it to your self to play an FPS with the best multiplayer set up i have seen so far on any console.

It's one of those rare game's that come out and makes you think, "I never saw this coming". My Gamer Tag is CoreoVII, lets Go!