All round Great

User Rating: 9.5 | Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare X360
Call of Duty 4 is probably the best in the series. Its multiplayer and single player are both great in this game. Its single is short but has a lot of action. The story plays out like a good movie and you always want to know what happens next. It takes place in Russia and in the Middle East where you play as Marines or British SAS. The only problem I saw with the campaign is that it was short but they definitely went for quality over quantity.

Multiplayer is also equally immersive and very addictive. Its maps are based off of levels from the story and are very well designed. There are many different play modes in this game for different game play. Multiplayer allows you to gain rank. The max rank is 55 and you can reset your rank 10 times once you reach 55. This adds many hours of game play trying to unlock weapons and gain ranks.

The graphics and sounds in this game are great. Everything has a lot of detail and the weapons and voices sound like they should. I would recommend this game to anyone. I would say this game is a 9.5.