WARNING THIS GAME IS ADDICTIVE ..cod4 has the best online play which will have you going for months unable tohelp urself

User Rating: 10 | Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare PS3
to begin with the campaign is better than most movies out at the moment as it acctualy feels like one and will have you ducking behind a pillow with evry bullet that flys at you its so realistic and dramatic especialy when your character is killed by a nukeleur explosion along with nearly two armys and when you have to sneek threw a city full of toxic radiation to assassinate someone with a one shot sniper kill.sure the campaign is over in a flash but you will be replaying the missions over and over again straining yourself on veteren mode and rounding up your high scores in arcade mode .but now to the best part the online bit which is probaly the best in the world.you will probaly die a lot at first but when you get your first kill you will be waving your arms in triumph just make sure your not shot while doing this ^_^.after just 4 lvls up you will be able to create your own class which makes thing realy exiting since as you lvl up you can get realy fun perks such as martydom which lets you let off a grenade when you die giving some realy cheap kills but a glorious revenge.dont forget about the chalenges as when you complete all of them for a certain weopon you get a gloden gun version of it pretty cool but it dosnt have any special abilitys just looks good.