The best FPS on 360 and PS3

User Rating: 10 | Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare X360
As much as it has a super boring title... Cod (not the fish) 4 Just feels right..

When you shoot a gun it feels absoulutly PERFECT... It feels arcady and tatical at the same time so anyone looking for a fun FPS pick this up With out thinking.

So lets get to the story, Other Call of dutys were basically World war2 over and over and over again. when i heared about a war game based on Modern warfare, i thought about Terroists and russians! and the weapons/plot would be about NUKES...

Turns out i was right, But Cod4 does this in such a compelling way that sucks you into the TV lol. Overall its a Great story and very emotional as you progress!

oh and as a side note If your going to attempt this game on veteran make sure you are Sane or you will Go From insane to phshyco (NOT JOKING)
