Good, i guess
yep thats right its set now days, well slightly in the future but still.
That games campaign mode is pretty nifty, with plenty of intense moments the franchise has been known for it has several twists and turns but sadly falls short, yes thats right this game will take you around 7 hours to beat.
The short campaign mode doesnt really make up for itself with replayability, sure theres achievements but its really nto going to keep you interested for very long.
Along with campaign mode theres is multiplayer. Call of Duty 4's mulitplayer includes rank leveling ( the higher rank you are the better weapons you have) and a new perk system. With these features in mind the multiplayer isn't really outstanding but it has enough to keep you intersted, for a while...
the sad thing is that the maps a fairly compact (just like every other call of duty game) so theres a few things that didnt really make sense to include, for example; sniper rifles. Standard assualt rifles and pistols are more accurate then them, making sniping feel very impractical and not much fun to use.
With all that said multiplayer feels to in-your-face and is paced way to fast to feel any satification in your kills..
Call of duty 4 was a good idea but its linear and short campaign plus a thrown together multiplayer mode just doesnt live it up to the hype.