With amazing single player and multiplayer, Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare deserves a permanent spot in your collection.

User Rating: 10 | Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare X360
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare is one of the best games I have ever played. One of the breakthrough games in the amazing 2007 line-up, it provides an outstanding campaign mode that feels almost like an action movie in some of the moments inside of it, and a multiplayer that might even be better than Halo 3's, and that's saying something. The graphics are amazing as well, one of the best I've seen for any console. The controls are also very smooth, I never once thought of the controller in my hand since the playability is great. The campaign mode follows the USMC and the SAS (American and British) when the face what seems to be Middle Eastern and Russians. The variety of locations is very satisfying, along with variety of mission objectives. The sniper mission in this game is a unique experience that made me mutter to myself how awesome it felt playing it, given the tasks and how you complete them. One thing I really like about this game, there are no online achievements, and all of them have to do with the single player campaign. I like that because in many other games, people just farm for achievements during online games instead of trying to win, but not in this game. The online play is probably the best part of game, given all of the options you have. You create your own class, which lets you chooses which weapon you will use, so there is no fighting with your team on turns to use the best weapon that is spawned on the map, in Call Of Duty 4, you always spawn with your weapon of choice. Every aspect of Call of Duty 4 is flawless, and it provides outstanding single and multiplayer. If you're a fan of first person shooters, there is no reason at all why you should not pick up this game.