Call Of Duty 4: Modern Warfare

User Rating: 9.5 | Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare PS3
I want to start my review by stating a few facts about my "skill" when gaming, basically if it was a school report I would get a "A" for effort but a D- minus for actual skill.

Bearing this in mind and taking into account my almost pathological dislike of games like this, I was persuaded by a friend to buy it who told me that "Seriously you won't be disappointed", and boy was he ever right.

I picked up my controller, settled in, and I must be honest, after a pretty innoculus start to my game I gradually improved, because it is THAT type of game, no matter how rubbish you are, or your opinion of this genre of game, I defy you to put down your controller in mid-game while playing COD 4, it quite simply is that addictive to play.

One thing I did like (which I should really of said first) is the training mission, which was convenient for a noob like me to get used to the control, but also in allowing you to go back and replay it, allows you to satisfactorily gain the proficiency to go on ahead with confidence.

The mission are I guess pretty generic for the most part, get from A to B by getting past enemy troops and completing objectives along the way, although that in fairness is a harsh judgement to make as the levels have specific aspect to offer a stern but achievable challenge.

Where COD4 comes into it's own however is in online multiplayer. Ignoring the purchaseable extra map pack, there are so many challenges, weapons, etc, to be unlocked, as well as a nice selection of maps from some of the missions to keep you and your online friends filling each other with bullets for hours.

Yes I may not have been a Call Of Duty fan before opening the disc box, but in all honesty if you want a massively addictive online gaming experience, I don't think you could do much better than Call Of Duty 4.

I do really recommend if you want a introduction to the Call Of Duty franchise ahead of the release of their next game (Currently Call Of Duty: Black Ops), then you give this a try as it has been the best in the series thus far in my opinion including the two games that came after it.