What seemed impossible has been done: Call of Duty 4 – Modern Warfare!

User Rating: 9.5 | Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare PC
What seemed impossible, Activision & Infinity Ward have not only done, but have excelled at it: merging awesome game play with a new story line and packaging it with stunning graphics and loaded with new features… Call of Duty 4 – Modern Warfare!

Merging awesome game play with a new story line and packaging it with stunning graphics and loaded with new features… Call of Duty 4 – Modern Warfare could have been the greatest mistake or the ultimate success story!

By far CoD4 is the best First Person Shooter (FPS) follow up to come with a history of previous top notch games. If you enjoyed the original Call of Duty and were amazed by the United Offensive expansion and then was mind-blown by the next in the series: Call of Duty 2, then Call of Duty 4 – Modern Warfare will need to be in your collection.

It has the same "feel" as you love about the previous editions: the action, the story line, the characters and missions… but is up sized and maxed out with an all new time zone, amazing graphics, intense game play and super multiplayer action.

The single player might be slightly on the short side but all is forgiven by the action packed, heart pounding multiplayer mode. Ranking, perks, classes, new weapons, UAV's and air strikes to name a few are some of the new features packed into the multiplayer mode an results in an intense gaming experience.

The graphics are stunning, the physics great, awesome effects, dramatic music and interactive cinematic all add to the marvel of this game… a true classic to be and a must have to own!