The best shooter of 2007 period.
User Rating: 9.5 | Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare X360
Call of duty, when you think of that name you might think, oh great, another world war 2 game. Well, its not and its better than ever, gripping single player, although short, and a very fun and succesfull multiplayer. lets talk single player, overall story is very good coming from the old games you play as different soldiers. The overall combat system is a bit somehow different which in a way is good and bad at the same time. The action is very deep and gripping which put those HD picture perfect looks gets put to a test, and let me tell you, they succeded greatly. Now the multiplayer. the combat is well done with great realsistic health which can make it easy to kill a guy, unless your good. The level design could use work because after a few times playing the levels i get a little bored. The level up system is fantasticly well done, which is some of the reasons i still play those boring maps. overall the game deserves good attention.