Best online FPS multiplayer ever ! including a short but sweet single player campaign .

User Rating: 9 | Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare X360
First of all the single player campaign is a straightforward go there and kill that quest with a ton of obstacles in between and is just plain boring .
Multiplayer basically rules . The variety of weapons , perks, challenges , maps , game-types and awesome gameplay makes this online FPS highly addictive . The only downside is the waiting time for some matches during some parts of the day which may extend to 30 minutes or more if you do not know what you are doing . The leveling system just makes it even more addictive and when your a high level and have acquired lots of experience its always fun to kill "noobs" . Overall this is a magnificant game and deserves a standing novation from you right now , the only let down was the single player . Go out and buy this game its garenteed to be the game of you life .