Although the Campaign may be Short, Call of Duty 4's Online and Great Replay Value Will Pack in Much More Hours of Fun.
In Call of Duty 4, as all modern warfare games do your job is to kill 2 Arab and 2 Russian "terrorist" leaders as America would call it. You play as two characters, one British, Soap MacTavish, with him you mostly do stealth missions, and with American Sgt.Paul Jackson, where of course since he is a American everyone knows you are there and you just kill everyone you see.
The graphics are amazingly realistic, and sometime I mistake the game for a HD movie. The sounds are amazing as well, you can clearly hear the moans of men shot in the face, and the controls work great. The default controls use R1 to shoot, R2 for a frag grenade, L1 for youe sights, L2 for your secondary grenade, X to jump, Triangle to change weapons, circle to change stances (hold to go prone), Square to reload, the directional buttons give you use to claymores, RPG's, night vision, C4's, etc. and you use the left analog stick to move, and use the right analog stick to aim your gun. Also pressing the L3 button allows you to sprint whil R3 allows you to melee enemies with your knife.
The online mode allows you to choose which weapons you want to go into battle with in a variety of modes (free for all, team death match, 1 on 1, etc.) and as you kill and win more people and matches your rank increases giving you more choices of weapons and camoflauges.
Overall Call of Duty 4's upgrade to a modern setting is a complete success with a compelling story full of twists and turns, which should be in your PS3 collection.