Wonderful game. God-awful fan base. The players are one of only a few flaws in this game.
With an incredible, though hard like no one's business-- campaign and hectic, chaotic and loveable multiplayer, you must be wondering "why didn't you give this a 10?" The answer is simple: Eight-year olds.
Anyone that says Halo 3 is full of whiny brats that can't shut up and play has never played Call of Duty 4. This is the perfect game for them: If you shoot first (And they always do...) you win and get a kill. If you don't, better luck next time, eh?
But anyways, the multiplayer is good, but a little chaotic and unbalanced due to all the powerups and airstrikes on a 20x20 ft. map. However, that does not change my review. I give it a "meh" out of 10.