The online play is perfection but a short single player game drags this game away from a 10\10 but still my fav 360 game
User Rating: 9.5 | Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare X360
now when i first got this i wanted to go online but i found out my gold had run out so i had to wait a WHOLE WEEK then i got one year of gold for 60 bucks.i played it online wow what a great game!. all the modes fit perfectly and its very rewarding as you lvl am curenlty lvl 55 (the highest lvl u can get to) yeah its been hella fun these 4 mounths.The liky favourate will likly be capture the flag 3 flags are on the map and your team has to get the highest points by making it your team clour for longer and having 2 not 1.when the other team gets all three flags you get domitated and must find a flag imeditly.the single player is the only flaw in this game its short but intresting.but it turns from action too using the the helicopter turrent.the ending wasent any thing to new but it was a great 12 hours of my life.and the graphics in this game are awesome.the guns come to life.they are all dsinged like in real life.sound is also awesome u can hear 6 differny granade blasts depeding on the angle or how far u are are.and last of all when u compleate maskmen chalnged for you guns (getting a sertin amout of kills) u can put stuff on ur guns like granade lanchers red dot sighters and of duty 4 is avalible now i highly recorment buying it for any console BUT NOT DS lol.