Call of Duty 4 may be one of the best FPS games ever. I highly reccomend this to anyone who loves a good shooting game.
User Rating: 10 | Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare X360
Call of Duty 4 may be one of the best FPS games ever. I highly reccomend this to anyone who loves a good shooting game. Infinity Ward finally got rid of its WWII addiction and finally moved on to a war that anyone can enjoy. If you ask me, many companies depend on WWII games to sell, where they were so overated in the past, present, and the future. But COD 4 is a definate step in the right direction with a more challenging A.I., a whole new variety of weapons and tactics, and brand new multyplayer featrues (which is a great plus). Call of Duty 4 improved on its graphics, tactics, and level of difficulty; now you try a game that runs at 60 frames/sec., its just that good. Anyone who love picking up a gun and just shoot at stuff should REALLY gives this game a chance because once you start playing, its really hard to stop. With that said, i would give this game a 10 or 9.8 out of 10.