This is what I've been waiting for.

User Rating: 9.5 | Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare X360
After the dissappointing Halo 3 and Gears of War, finally there's a shooter I can sink my teeth into. With a single player campaign that starts off okay and eventually gets insane and a multiplayer that never gets old, COD 4 gets almost everything right. Single player offers tons of thrills and just enough variety to keep it interesting. Whether you're shooting massive rounds out of a chopper, or just trying to survive a relentless onslought of enemies, you're always in an intense situation. Multiplayer keeps you in with frantic battles and a leveling system that keeps you coming back for more. The more you play and better you do, the better the gear and abilities you get are. Normally I don't much care for online multiplayer, but this games got plenty of dept to keep me involved. Especially considering there are no completely safe campout sniper spots. If you're gonna camp out, you take your chances on getting knifed in the back. Of course strategic usage of C4 and Claymores can get you through some of the tougher battles. To top it off there are plenty of interesting challenges to unlock extra bonuses throughout multiplayer. Ranging from falling 30 feet to you death to getting 150 headshots with an assault rifle, these challenges can help break up the occasional monotony of some deathmatches. All in all this is the shooter I've been waiting for for the 360. If you have Xbox Live you owe it to yourself to play this game. If you aren't online you at least should rent this game to enjoy the awesome, but short single player. Now for my problems with this game (which are few). There's no customizing your controller layout. There are only a few preset layouts to choose from, none of which solved my problem with the grenade buttons being on the shoulder buttons. While this seems like the ideal place for them, the buttons are just too freakin sensitive for that function. I can't count the number of times I accidentally blew myself up from an accidental grenade chucked in front of me while I was trying to do something completely different. One little tap seems to set em off. Other than that and a few lag issues online I really can't say anything bad about this game.