Don't hate me because i dont love this game... okay you can hate me

User Rating: 7.5 | Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare X360
Ok, i know my review is a little late but I haven't quite been on much. All right, i have to only give it an eight because i lost interest after playing on and off for two weeks. I think the story mode is solid minus the length which actually could be a strength because if a story is too long some gamers could lose interest. The multi player is fun the first few times you play it but after a while it seems like you've done this same thing before. Games should look at Gears of War multiplayer because they nailed it perfectly because i've been playing that the game for a year and im still not bored. Back to COD 4, the multiplayer is ok but i feel that the perks are a waste because they really don't affect you and they add a little bit of strategy to the game. The graphics and the sound in the game are amazing capped by stunning visuals and voice acting in the story mode. The guns are good but not quite unique, don't get me wrong realism is good in games like this but they could have tried some new things. I like the ranking system in the multiplayer because it includes challenges for all the weapons and many more which can keep some people interested longer. All in all, COD 4 has a good story followed by a decent, overrated multi player. This is just one of those games, like Tom Clancy games, that i find extremely boring.