An okay campaign but it makes up for all of that with its exciting multiplayer.

User Rating: 9 | Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare X360
To start off, you shouldnt get this game unless your planning on playing it online. Its single player campaign has an intresting story and some great voice acting from awesome characters but thats about it. Once you beat the single player you probably wont want to play it again unless you want the achievements. Online multiplayer on the other hand never loses its spunk and funk. Cod4's unique "perks" let you costumize your guns in ways that appeal to your very own needs and gaming style. Whether your a "stopping power" kinda guy or the type that likes to lay back with a "UAV jammer", your not going to be dissapointed. There of course is the normal free for all or team deathmatch games but theres also game types that range from planting a bomb, capturing a flag or HQ and facing one on one. The controls are just perfect and graphics look flawless. With all these awesome features your gonna find yourself playing this for days.