User Rating: 10 | Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare X360
This game is one of the best games I've played to date. It has a great story and fun to play through. While on the easy setting, it is very easy, and on the hardest setting, it is still possible to beat without ever really becoming too frustrated. The on-line multi-player is one of the most appealing parts for replay value. Because different people are always on, it is always a different experience. You can also do co-op campaign, which is nice to mix it up from the competitive side of the previous game mode. The game as many excited changes of pace, at time you may be flying high in an airplane, dropping bombs on enemies, or riding in the back of a jeep, shooting enemies as they speed after you. You will pretend to be the enemies, to get to certain people. It is a great game, and if you're a fan of first person shooters, this game is for you.