My reason why you should get Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare

User Rating: 9 | Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare X360
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare is a definite must have for any CoD die-hard fan!!! This was the fourth installment in the CoD series but it's the one that started the CoD multiplayer phenomena. Even though this game came out like four years ago you should have at least $10 in your wallet and that's all you need to get your hands on this epic experience. The story is probably the best out of all 7 so far. The story takes place in modern day or near future and you play as Soap and you fight along with the most noticed CoD charater Captin Price against an evil Russian army. The multiplayer is up to 16 people per match max. and there are tons of game modes to keep you busy. Plus you can level up and unlock new weapons and once you get to level 70 you can prestige. So if you don't have this game or have never played CoD get with the rest of the world and start playing the best shooter to date!!!!!!!!!

*Story is awesome!!!
*An all new multiplayer experience
*Best Shooter series to date

*There are 3 more installments to the series that are a little more advanced in the series