This game just rules, it is completly amazing. A must have!!!!

User Rating: 10 | Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare PC
Well I realy like this game it has great grapihics and an exelents sound efects, the campain mode is a little to short but it still is great. The shadows and enviroment are really really nice, it does not has CRYSIS graphics but it has nice visuals. The multyplayer is perfect, for me this game has the best multyplayer, it is better than gears of war and halo multyplayer. For me an almost perfect game, another thing I loved were the weapons, there ara alot of differents weapons, GREAT GAME!!!!! The story is really good, it has alot of elements that mekes it great, for me it should be the second best game of the year after mario galaxy. AWESOME AND INCREDIBLE GAME. COD 2 was very good but the 4 is way more better. For me the best version is the PS3 version but the PC version is also great, I love the fact that you can get promoted in multyplayer. The difficulty is just right, and the artificial inteligence is perfect, for me is way more better than Gears of War or Halo 3. Perfect Game!!!!!!!!!