Another shooter that blew my mind....great singleplayer and multiplayer...

User Rating: 10 | Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare X360
COD4 is one game that i can see myself playing for a long time. I know the singleplayer campain is not long at all but its the multiplayer that keeps getting me. first let me talk about the singleplayer. i love the story,the way it dosnt end up being all nice and pretty at the end of the game like all these other shooters. I like that the characters have there own personalitys and are funny at times.the A.I. is very smart.they wont do the same thing twice.they will flank your position and keep you pinned down by AK fire and gernades (on Veteran).now to the multiplayer.this is one of the more fun multiplayer game on the 360 right now.the way you can customize your weapons is a great feature.i just wish you could customize your character.with face and body structure.i love all the maps and i hope they keep coming out with more. I Love that the sniping has been the same the last three games. i happy they didnt change it just because of the modern weapons.thats it i hope you liked my review....