Call of Duty 4 passes every other game on the market. This is truely the best game ever made
The gameplay in COD4 is the greatest gameplay for a shooter game that has been seen in years. Shooting runs very smoothly and you will be able to pick up on it quickley. When you are shooting you will bring the gun up to your face to get the best accuracy. If you shoot from the hip you wont get the most accurate shot. Moving around also runs very smooth. Gameplay wise this is the best in the shooter catagory.
There is a single player campaing. You will take control of two soldiers. One from the British army, and one from the U.S Marines. The story is very intriguing. But it seems like its over before its starts. Experienced shooter plaers will blow through this 5 hour campaing very quickly. Even though it was short, the campaing was still great.
The last and the best aspect of the game is online mulitplayer. This is the deepest online shooter ever. You can jump right into a match and start playing. An upside to the multiplayer is that you level up very quickly. Another great thing about miltiplayer is the create a class. This is where you choose your own weapons and color of them. You can also add attachments like scopes and scilencers. You unlock those attachments by unloking challenges that raise your experience points. Multiplayer is deep and fun that will keep everyone interested for a long time to come.
When you stand back and look at Call of Duty 4 you see one of the best overall games ever created. The gameplay,graphics,campaing, and miltiplayer all add up for a great experience. If you own the XBOX 360 there isnt any reason why you shouldnt pick up Call of Duty 4. It is simpley the best game ever made.