You will never put this game down! Must have for PS3 owners!!!

User Rating: 10 | Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare PS3
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Call of duty 4 modern warfare, is the forth instalment (duh) in the series, and by far, displays the best visuals, sound, gameplay and value in the series.


What do i have to say? the visuals in CoD4, are the best visuals i have ever seen in a video game yet (though Uncharted is very good). the facial animations are spot on with the dialog, the environments are almost real, and the guns..........well, happy to say, look like guns! *******10***********


The sound in CoD4 is amazing. First of all, the cast for the caracters in singleplayer are perfect, there voises match there animations perfectly. Now, the sound of the guns ----- lets just say, if u have a big tv, 7 surround sound speakers and a good sound box, just dim the lights and u feel like ur in an actual warzone, fireing actuall guns.****************10*************


This is it........ the most important catigory-.-.-.-.-.-.-GAMEPLAY!!!!!(srry, just needed to add some drama). The gameplay in CoD4 is amazing and the same time! its amazictive!!!(yay, i made up a word!).
In other reviews, about everyone says that the single player is short. to me it's a pretty good lenth, but, even if you think it is short; i garantee ur money back(well not accually), that u wont forget one bit of it! It's a deep and fun story.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- its........defunep!!!( 2 words! im on a roll!). Now, the multiplayer. i really dont need to say much, because it is amazictive and defunep!!! ur probably thinking........ Man! that has to be good, amazictive and defunep? if you want more on the multiplayer, i bet there is about 400 other reviews that talk about the multiplayer more in depth.******12********(can i do that?)(oh well)**********


Well, the perfect, and overperfect scores of visuals, sound and gameplay, amazictive singleplayer, and the multiplayer amazictive and defunep, this game will last u untill CoD5, mabye even longer!*************10*************


U NEED to get this amazictive and defunep game! its so good if u dont get it,i wont be ur friend anymore. And if u hate this game (cough, cough) I will hate u back! Just look at these KILLER scores!!!!!!!!!!

======================Visuals:***********10 out of 10 ******************
======================Sound:************10 out of 10*******************
======================Gameplay:********12 out of 10*******************
======================Value:*************10 out of 10*******************
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~======================Overall:************10 out of 10(just because gamespot wont let me go past 10)*********************************************

END( u can buy the game now)