Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare is a great game to have. It is without doubt a must have for everyone.

User Rating: 10 | Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare PS3
This game, Call of Duty 4 is the best Call of Duty game ever-period. I have to say the campaign is not long, but not short. It is right in the middle. It may not seem medium sized campaign mode but if you put it on very hard mode, it gets very challenging and if you like the challenge like me, put it on very hard mode. I love the story so much. I'm a guy, and it really touched my heart at the ending. A lot of big stuff happens during the campaign so it really keeps it off your toes. You feel like you are in the game, and your war buddies are your brothers and that really makes the game really great and fun. The graphics in this game are really really great. The sound is superior. Controls are perfect. The online muiltiplayer never gets old. You are excited all the time as if you just tried it. Overall the game is great, everything is so fun in this game, the campaign, the muilitplayer, everything is so fun, great, and exciting when playing Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare for both the campaign mode, and the online multiplayer mode.