one of the BEst gun game i could play how ever the lag as never being so high in cod4 since the new patch :(

User Rating: 10 | Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare X360
Great multiplayer Great Section of real guns
Good Story for Campagne REaly hard too at Veteran as you die in 3-4 shot and they hundred of grenade
The multiyplayer is Getting So-so now. people are playing it less
lag as major increased since new patch there for less player
As a MAJOR GAMES ALL people should agree this with me
LAG ruin game why do a PATCH if it result as High LAG by 15-30% and make the game way different. Example LAG is When u shot a victim realy hard. and the victim doesn't die as the bullet go trough him like if he wasn't bleeding those 5-7 second result as he didn't die adn ur bleeding of the damage because the bullet of him reached you and u realy didn't see it
while U WAS HAVING THE GREEN PING : REALY FAST intennet : around 8-10 meg per second internet connetion and he don't die.
and no it not wRITED MEXICAN : on is gamertag it writed uninted state
There for the lag as increase and im pissed off.
I LOVE interface of Call of duty 4 but lag... IS LAG IT inhuman it not fun
exemple patch making the M4 : overpowered : M16 : alot of auto-aim so that even if the target lag alot it may die while u take other gun M14 : G3 : p90 : mp5 : scorpion : mini uzi and G36c are not good in auto-assit aim you said so it meaning the acucry of the gun is mostly to go to the where ever you shot from left to right . and kill them

And the snipe is now being able to be shot like Gear of war & halo 3 u move realy fast (Springint then stop run : aim head. in 1 second with high sensibity shot : is dead if you have bullet trough & deep impact or enchanced sprint ability perk