Call of Duty: Modern Combat makes me smile so wide i had to do plastic surgery to be able to eat.

User Rating: 9.5 | Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare PC
Call of duty 4's single player part is too short, but nonetheless perfect! it was so fun it was over in a flash, but it did not bother me because the multiplayer.
Oh dear lord i praise my god every day for he gave me this wonderful game. I cant get enough, the way the bullets fly, the genious balance of perks, the weapons gives you such a kick, the airstrike, the helicopter, the way the character models move and run and shoot and tap their assault west when they stand still, the blend of scripted and ragdoll deaths, the way last stand is so good to have yourself and so annoying when getting shot by it, the way debris flies around when a grenade go off, the way a headshot gives you the pling of metal becouse you hit the metal helmet, the way a teammate will shout reloading when he is actually reloading!

Yes, allot of this has been seen in other games, but never been put together so beautifully and gracefully like an artistic dance of death and beauty and violence and gore and blood and guns and bullets and grenades and flashbangs and smoke grenades and everything!

This is the perfect game.