If you dont own this game... there is something wrong with you.

User Rating: 10 | Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare X360
Hands down the best FPS ever made.

Campaign is the best and most thrilling ever down. I dont agree that it was too short. We all would want more levels but who knows, maybe in a DL someday. On Vetern Diff. it took about 10-15 hrs. And most of that was dying.

One of the best looking games out there. Fully enriched enviroments, highly detailed.

Where do I begin. This will make the most out of your 5.1 then any other game. If you watched 'Blackhawk Down', then you know what I mean. Makes the battles intense.

Hmmm. Probly the best overall MP around. Matchmaking makes waiting in lobbies a thing of the past. Rewards you for personal progress and not team. (Of course this leads to people farming for kills and not playing the gametype as it was ment to be played, ex. HQ)

If you dont own this... your crazy.