Great first person shooter multiplayer experience!
User Rating: 8.5 | Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare PS3
Cod4 offers a fairly short campaign mode which has you playing as either Soap Mctavish or Paul Jackson, the games perspective between characters changes between missions, while the game offers a fairly fun single player experience the multiplayer is the main focus, it has a very customizable setup in which you can changes your perks which could be things like C4 to Increasing your gun power to RPGs (don't worry there aren't alot of RPG spammers)Then you can choose you main gun and a handgun, you unlock guns by killing enemies of the opposing team and comepleting objectives like capturing a flag of planting a bomb. If you wan't some replay value then don't worry you get some achievements and you also get rewarded exp for comepleting them as well as different camo for your weapons (by getting headshots first camoflauge is 50 and second is 100) once you get both camoflauges for all the guns in the type (there are 4 (SMG, Assault LMG Sniper)) You unlock a gold gun for one weapon in that category.Although it is a little dissapointing it does not have vehicles.When you first start out you have a small selection but later on in the game you will unlock many guns which are all different. All in all COD4 offers a fun but short single player and a very fun and enjoyable multiplayer which will keep you entertained for months to come.