This is quite possibly the greatest first person shooter known to man. I have never played multiplayer like this before

User Rating: 10 | Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare PS3
Call of Duty 4 takes the first person shooter to a whole new level with Advanced Warfare. I have been a fan of the Call of Duty franchise, and the World War III shooter was always a favorite genre of mine. It wasnt until COD4 that i realized the potential in the series as well as the next gen graphics. It is seriously the most photorealistic game in existence, besides the up and coming Gran Turismo 5. You are a fool if you think that this game is anything less than perfection, and the reward of Game of the Year is an honor this game is most deserving of. The single player is short and sweet, but the way in which this game really stands out is the multiplayer online capabilities. Hosting up to 16 players a game in over 10 different modes of multiplayer takes this shooter to a whole new level of sweetness. Along with the fact that the multiplayer is more addicting than crack, you will be glad to hear that there is a new map pack coming along with the GOTY edition coming out this summer. This map pack will extend the life of the online multiplayer fan base all the way until the release of the next Call of Duty game, which im sure you all are eagerly waiting for as much as I am. I will say this one more time, if you do not own Call of Duty 4 do yourself and the online community a favor and get this game. You will never regret it.