I love this game. I hate this game.

User Rating: 9 | Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare PS3
So for CoD4: MW... Where to begin. The SP Campaign is fun. And the difficulty is just right to me since there are different levels you can choose from. They give you different missions so it doesn't get too repetitive. And you have different ways you can choose to achieve these objectives. You can hang back with your troops and stick and move, or you can go balls out Rambo and take everyone on. There are times for both I think. There is a nice array of weapons that you get to use in the game but your options are pretty limited. The only time you get to choose your gun is when you find one on the ground. But overall its fun, And then its capped off by the really fun airplane experience that is quick and action packed.

Now for the MP. This is why as above I said "I love this game. I hate this game." I really do love it, but as with any online gaming, there are ALWAYS people (and many of them) who are simply always going to be way better than I am. So I spend a lot of time getting my butt kicked. And even if I am not worse than the others playing, network issues can make for a terrible experience. Having said that, the more I play the game, the better I have become. Recently I have been playing this game online almost exclusively and in the last 2 days I raised my KDR .02%. Doesn't sound good but for me it is. I never played much FPS games until the PS3 came out, so I had a lot of catching up to do. I love the customization that comes with the MP. I spend a lot of time trying out different classes and mixing up the weapons. I tend to use mostly AR's and specifically the G36c. People don't like it, and maybe my play suffers for it, but I like the gun and its my choice. Overall if I remember not to take it too serious and when I get frustrated to put the thing down, then I generally have a great time playing. Looking forward to the sequel.