A spectacular game that features suspense and anticipation.
User Rating: 9.5 | Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare X360
I have recently just beat 'Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare' on the 'Veteran' difficuly and I have to say it is a well programmed game. The one thing that kind of had me disappinted was that they ended the WWII thing that Call of Duty had feature in Call of Duty 1-3 but also surpirzed at how well the game was programmed and how the tory line leaves for a second as you play as S.A.S soldier to a USMC soldier and how they both had the same goal. There were some disppointments to the game as alot of the weapons had a serousi recoil such as the LMG, and no dirving, but there was hadly any though. The graphics are really good,not as good as Crysis, but it is net to Crysis though. As for helicopters, buildings,cars, and explosions from a frag grenade it really makes you seem your at that area. The story seemed abosoulutly flawless in my opinion and how they explain it thourghly and without question. Multiplay was also a very good feature for the game as you can go through two parts of leveling up, as you start out on multiplay, and then you go to Prestige mode. It really keeps you occupied if you are just bored and want to pass the time.