Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare Review by R3dEmptioNz.

User Rating: 10 | Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare X360
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare. This game is awsome i have played both online and offline, Call of Duty have got beta over the years, CoD4 has to be the best so far CoD: WaW i dont find as intresting as CoD4. the awsome gameplay of CoD4 is worth playing and if you have xbox live or online with anyother console that can play CoD4 its even beta, go up levels challange your mates be the best, theres loads of levels to go up... get to lvl 55 you get 1 prestieige and there are 10 prestieges to earn.

Maby.. Maby.. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 will be beta, the thing is will it be more popular online? because CoD4 without online play can get boring in time when you have completed Single player and Arcade modes, if you play online you get much more out of your game Add your freinds play them or Add Random players or Just play random players my Xbox Live is R3dEmptioNz, Just play and you will soon marster it, in Time.

Call of Duty 4 is Easy Single player and Online well that can be different.. Play some players that are new or play people who have played for years and marstered the game.
For the cost of the game it's a good for your money and also very fun !

Good Luck !
