Spectacular game! Very realistic graphics and controls! And an on line mode that made the game enjoyable for many years!

User Rating: 10 | Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare PS3
It's amazing, a game that really puts you on the shoes of a soldier, with intense realism. Has a spectacular graphic, and the response of the controls is perfect. It's possible saying the game is even more realistic than the real life! Couldn't be better. The multiplayer option, in on line modes works well and provides hours of playing. After finishing the story mode we can play the missions again in arcade mode, where we have new challenges. Something called my attention: There is an introduction film, which is incredible. They put us on the skin of a govermnant leader who is going to die and we see all the way he walks before his dead, with many chaos in the streets and with the citizens rununing in despair and being executed. When the man reaches his destiny, they point a gun to our head and shoot! Then, the game starts, with these words: "is how it begins!". Perfect! One of the best games ever made! Just spectacular!