The only FPS shooter that should be allowed on the 'Next-Gen' Market.

User Rating: 8.5 | Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare X360
Call of Duty 4 (Infinity Ward) compares remarkably to Halo 2 (Bungie) when it was released to help launch the Xbox's unfortunately brief career, making way for 360's, Elites, an HD-DVD player (sold seperately), and a bunch of cheap game-ports. Let's face it, Call of Duty 4 was made to do what Halo 2 did for the original Xbox. With faster, tighter online-gameplay, in comparison to Halo 3 (which was supposed to set an updated standard, or at least that was the expectation for most FPS fans), COD4 delivers a solid experience with beautiful envir0nments, a good and steady framerate suitable for the game (at every turn). Now, had Bungie and Microsoft combined the two games to create one "entire" experience, COD4 would have held few, if any dissapointments to FPS fans. In my humble opinion, I would have done the game differently, not stylistically, however, customization seems to be lacking (as with every game for Xbox/360) in comparison to Halo 3, which renders environments slightly better than Call of Duty 4, though, the two games are substantially different. Halo 3, being classed as a Sci-Fi first-person shooter is nowhere near as realistic (and in turn not as fast paced) as COD4 (by default). It's inablility to sprint (a must for all FPSs) and departure from 'the old feel' results in a more tactical experience. This brings me to my number one complaint about COD4. In Halo 3, the player can customize his/her skin, name/tag, color, and half-heartedly customize the levels by moving around certain objects/spawn points etc...but in COD4, you can't change your skin, but oddly you can customize what your gun looks fun...It is...but knowing it could have been slightly better makes me glad I bought both the PC and 360 versions. With the PC, there are no limits regarding customization.
Here are the list of improvements I would recommend to any developer undertaking an FPS project.


- Deeper Customization (Specifically bring the options from Rainbow Six Vegas 2 into the game). Everything from a gun to your face should be customizable. Also, like Halo 3, you should be able to host custom games that are ranked (RSV2) and change the game's playing speed (Halo3)

-Map Editor (FAR CRY MAP EDITOR PLEASE!) for pc's too...with zero limitations and a slicker interface (obviously).

-Spectacular voice-acting. ( it's not unrealistic, just push for developers like Infinity Ward and Bungie to spend more money..... : ) )

Other than the few improvements I'd make, the game is fantastic. I've spent so many hours (currently in the 2nd Prestige mode) playing this game like so many other gamers out there right now, suffice to say COD5 will need good customization components to not only hold my interest, but the interest of so many other gamers and people out there wanting something 'different or exciting'. Call of Duty 4 offers a pretty good story, though, for an intense issue, and an intense multi-player experience, the single-player campaign is not only brief, but it holds little high points. To really make this game more cinematic, IW would have to add more sequences like 'The Aftermath', where you're walking around outside you're crashed Helicopter, and, not to long die. It's a pretty cool thing to experience because it's something no game has done...It puts you in the shoes of that American soldier in what's supposed to be some type of Iraq...and you actually feel something...remorse? confused? upset? Pick One (good thing that's left up to nature)...It's cinematography...and that's where the game kind of flops. The most cinematic it gets is the scene described above.

In the end, the only FPS shooter that should be allowed on the 'Next-Gen' Market is COD 4. Graphically, the environments are unmatched (played on an HDTV) and gameplay is unbeatable and surely outdose Halo3 which was intended to set the standard for modern FPS-shooters.