Blackops 2 Pc players> "DONT BUY THIS GAME"
Opened the game _ Installed it_ Booting straight into Multiplayer
And already from the moment the match making system screen popped up i realized that i had made a mistake. No real dedicated servers connecting to a game is now setup like Mw2 & Mw3. Nooooo!!!!!!! So i jump into the game and from the first spawn to my very first kill & death i realized that the controls and feel of the game play where no longer "AT ALL" like the original blackops. LISTEN TO MY CAREFULLY reviewers... It feels and plays just like Mw3. And the worse part about it. Mw3 might even be better and i didnt play that no more than a hour before realizing this isnt gonna cut it and returning to blackops1. Seems i'll just be playing more Bf3 and waiting on the aftermath expansion in Dec. Am also playing Crysis 2 multiplayer and currently working on ranking to level 50 on borderlands 2 so i got other stuff to do and refuse to punish myself and further. It'd take a Cod4 remake to make to ever buy a Call of Duty game ever again.
Do not buy this guy.. Because yeah.. it is as bad as everyone including me is desperately tring to convince you it is.
sorry for the caps.