Black Ops 2 returns with a hell of a story, a new way to play zombies, and the classic multiplayer returns.

User Rating: 8.5 | Call of Duty: Black Ops II X360
Black Ops 2 returns after 2 years and brings some cool new things.....but doesnt really look any different than the first besides the story plot. The story for me was the best part. Its the first Call of Duty that gives you player choice options and multiple endings. The story is fun and keeps your attention the entire time and thats not even the best can create your own class to play in the story!!!! Zombies returns and tries a new way to play called Tranzit. Its fun to play with friends and is still as challenging as ever but the hype around it probably spoiled it for most people....It also has a 4v4vzombies mode which i havent tried yet but sounds extremely fun. The multiplayer is good....but doesnt really change from black ops 1....the classes can be more customized to your choosing but really the gameplay and everything it doesnt really click that different from black ops 1 even some of the maps you can tell that they were influenced by black ops 1. Now I know it sounds like im disappointed with the game but im really not. Its still really fun and im going to put 70+ hours into it by spring. Black Ops 2 is a great game....just dont expect much change...

-Excellent Story with Player Choice
-More customization in multiplayer classes
-Multiplayer and Zombie still a ton of fun

-Same old Multiplayer
-Zombies is a bit overhyped