Same old new names,,, not a classics and has not reallly changes. But still far more enjoyable than MW2

User Rating: 7.5 | Call of Duty: Black Ops X360
yet a new call of duty and yet again the crazy review come out with the 10 and 9... but sorry to score a 9 or 10 u need to be an epic that changes the way gaming will be and to put it short COD does not.... it is really a large DLC that has new weapon map and a new single players story, the credit system will not change how other game will player as it have very little to do with the game itself.

Will the lack of new MP modes and the return of the zombie mode u wonder why it take so long to make these games, the theater has been taken from Halo who have been doing this for year so this is not new (for you fanboy that still believe COD was the first to use a ranking system), MP is still broken and lags and connection drops alot even on day one.

this is an easy way to make money... COD need a new game engine before it can be added as a great game of even game of the year.

But what COD does that win every time is keep the skill level required down to a low so anyone can play it.

After now putting some more game time I can say this does have a better MP than MW2 the map have been better design. Camping has gone down and now u cannot use your killsteak to increase your killsteak total u done have a map full of Helicopter's.