W O W!!!! best of the series
Some of the features I enjoyed are listed here:
BO offers custom emblems. I mean total custom emblems, there are 12 layers you can add up to 50+ different emblems to. Resize them, rotate them, sorta like Paint.
It also offers a money system! WHICH IS FABULOUS!!! Instead of having to get up your prestige to get fancy streaks on your weapons you can just pay your in-game money (which doesn't come in huge amounts). The money also goes into buying weapons/addons/emblems/tags.
You can customize your weapons to have your clan name engraved on them. You can also have your emblem placed on your weapons.
There is premade face paints that you can put on your character.
The use of perks can change the way your character looks. An example would be having a flak vest perk (that reduces explosive damage) will give your character a full suit of body armor as he runs around.
The menu's are MUCH better. Easier to read and navigate through when creating a class.
It offers an awesome game mod!! Wager, which has 2-3 different kinds of actual games (Gun Game, 1 Gun=1 Bullet, etc.) that people bet money in to win money. These game mods really show who are the skilled players.
The new Vietnam aura weapons are a lot better than the modern weapons.
The overall accuracy of everything has been slightly changed which I enjoy, its much more realistic. You don't have those random runners who jump shot you from halfway across the map.
Run speed has been decreased slightly!! THANK FCK. I could not stand the speed in MW2, it was far to un realistic and fast. You have people just run at you and knife you the whole game, this does not happen in BO.
You and your friends can fight Bots! Thats right, there is AI in BO!
Dedicated servers!!!
Zombies!!! (>X_X)>
I could go on...
Overall its an AMAZING FCKEN AMAZING game. I knew Treyarch, having made such great games as CoD:UO, CoD:BigRed, Spiderman 2, etc. would not mess this one up.
If you hear people saying "terrible" "save your money" just remember what happened when MW2 came out. Everyone was complaining of how bad of a game it was compared to CoD4, every forum, in-game, but people kept playing it. Couple months later CoD4 still had players but MW2 was the main area. Thats how the world works! Most people don't like change until they get used to it!!!