Loved Call of Duty 4

User Rating: 9 | Call of Duty: Black Ops X360
You're either a Halo guy or a Call of Duty guy...or girl. I'm a Call of Duty guy. After reading reviews on this game, I felt like I had to get on here and do this game some justice. Many times I feel like the reviews I am reading, especially on the major websites, are biased, and sometimes the people who work for these major companies are writing the reviews, good or bad. This may or may not be true, but whatever. I have been playing COD games since 2005 when COD2 came out. Before that it was Medal of Honor on the PC. I consider myself a vet of first-person-shooters.
After playing COD2 and COD3, I was crazy for the next release. COD4 came out and I was blown away. It created the standard for which first-person-shooters are judged by. The gameplay, gunfire, everything was all top-notch. (Skipping World at War). MW2 came out and I was so ready, only problem I had with this game was the multiplayer. It catered too much to the manipulation of the hardcore gamer. Either way, Black Ops has built on the MW-MW2 fornula beautifully. It took away the opportunity for one person, who may or may not be that skilled to rule the battlefield. That is was I liked about COD4, no bull, just skill, and then you win, same as Black Ops.
Graphics: I've heard alot of complaints about graphics in this game. It is on par with all the other COD games as far as graphics go, beautiful. In my opinion, it looks great, no major improvements...9.0
Gameplay: This is what keeps me coming back year after year is the COD formula. Treyarch improved on it, it took me a minute to get used to it, but once I did, I liked it. I have never been a fan of Treyarch, always was a fan of COD4 and MW2, however, they did thery're homework here...9.0
Singleplayer: Play the game, it's fun...If you don't have internet, I feel sorry for you....9.5
Multiplayer: This is where it's at. They added combat training, where you fight BOTS. I fought them on Hardened and then went into a multiplayer match and I dominated. I don't know how they did that, but it works...pretty sick. Multiplayer is what COD is all about...they perfected it.
Final Thought: People are always going to hate, especially when it comes to a franchise like COD. As soon as it gets as big as COD, people expect more and more. The game is great, it is fun, it looks good, and they improved on a lot of things that turned me off in MW2....see for yourself