Ok maybe I jumped the gun a bit. The game is very enjoyable

User Rating: 9 | Call of Duty: Black Ops PC
They weren't stupid when they developed this game. At first; like many, I didn't like it because it looked so plastic compared to MW. But after playing this game since it's release I now play it more than MW. I can understand a bit better now why they sacrificed certain realistic qualities MW has. They added so many new features I guess it would be too much to pack into a DVD so to say. One of the main awesome features black ops has is it's training. The fact that you can set the level of difficulty is a nice touch, you can play by yourself or with your friends it doesn't really matter because even if you have no friends to play with you can set a bot team to play along with you.You can't do that in MW, you have to always have someone play with you and it's only a one on one or team match only. You can also do the same for zombie mode, so you have a variety of features to play with so you won't ever get bored. The new maps are insane for matches and zombie mode. To add it seems like they fixed some of the glitches like the extreme lag when game first came out. I've played Medal of Honor and battlefield which are good games "OFFLINE STORY MODE". But online it doesn't compare to Black ops or MW. The most important thing about multiplayer is the random spawn points. you can't spawn camp on C.O.D but you can on medal of honor "bummer".