An honest review.
Single Player:
When I finished the campaign there wasn't a lick of satisfaction to be had. The levels were rushed and lacked context. WMD was the only level that got me going even a little. The graphics didn't help out either. They were a bit of a downgrade from MW2. I compared them with two LCD's just to make sure I'm not throwing false information out there. Another thing that was aggravating was how the story jumped all over the place, one second your here, one second your there and don't even get me started on the interrogation sequences, I got so sick of hearing them that I couldn't skip it soon enough. Ahhh and the Zombie sequence after the credits. ARE you serious treyarch!!?? Mile high club from CoD4's ending blows this out of the water. That was just plain stupid move. I'm done with you black ops campaign. How dare you take a measly 5 hours from my life. What a waist.
Oh boy, here we go. I understand why some of you may love the multiplayer, due to all the plethora of content it has to offer. More than all the call of duty's put together. It's like they threw all the content from halo in with MW's bliss. albeit, that is not a bad thing, at least if you can get past the absolutely horrendous graphics. When the first multiplayer match started, I thought that the textures were having trouble loading. Come on treyarch, if you can't do it right call infinity ward and ask them for their tech and game engine. Maybe you think I'm being unfair or perhaps it seems like I only care about looks. That's not true at all, Maybe if the game play and controls were anywhere even close to being as tight and precise as MW's then I would bump my rating up a bit. Sadly they are not. Don't even get me started on the multiplayer levels(boring, too many levels looked the same). I don't even want to talk about this anymore.
Ok, I don't want to hate on all you zombie lovers out there, but come on, if you want to shoot zombies, go play left for dead. You know what, I wouldn't even care if treyarch would have thrown in some spec-ops . Then maybe I would have been a little satisfied.
Summing it up, the only thing I regret is showing up at 9p.m. to wait for the 12a.m. release at gamestop, wait that's not the only thing I regret, dishing 60 bucks for a half ass done job of a call of duty. ebay here I come. MW3 couldn't get here fast enough.